2023 WIN Brunch

Thank you to those who made the 2023 Mother-Woman Of The Year W.I.N. Brunch & Coronation a success!

Let us be as fearless as the women we have applauded, as committed as the activists we stand beside, and as audacious as those before us.

The Purpose of WIN 

WIN shall address within the framework of the NAACP, civil rights issues affecting women and children and shall carry out other civil and cultural activities to enhance membership and provide financial support to the Branch. The purpose of WIN is (1) to enhance the leadership role of women; (2) to serve as an advocacy vehicle to address the social, economic, political, educational, health and welfare issues affecting women; (3) to advocate for the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual development of children and (4) to support the policies as well as the on-going mission and vision of the NAACP.

As women we must continue to be vigilantly, steadfast and concerned about how we as Women are Providing Healing and Promoting Hope in our daily walk as we interact with our sisters and brothers every day.

2023 Mother-Woman of the Year W.I.N. Brunch & Coronation Highlights
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It’s one thing to succeed as a community – it’s another thing to thrive.

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The vital work we do advancing political, educational, social, and economic equality for Black people in the U.S. depends on the generosity of supporters like you.

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NC NAACP partners with groups to further advance civil rights and social justice.

Voting Rights are under attack in North Carolina.
Will you RUSH a $5 contribution to the Freedom Fund and help us fight back to protect the right to vote?